Saturday 4 September 2010

New Sa-Mp 0.3b R2

Hey guys, I'm posting to tell you about the new samp client. After this update, most of the servers have been updated to 0.3b R2, although some still run 0.3a.

Along with this update, it provides a server configuration for both Linux and Windows. Still very hard to find out how to use them though. This does not affect your gameplay, however it does fix the minor bugs and crashes that you used to have in 0.3a 

Here are a few images:
NOTE: Don't be saying wierd things like 'OMG 1 server haha noob'. Want to know why? Because I recently restored my computer to factory settings because some noob keylogger thought it would be funny to also hack my logfiles. Freaks :/

Main Logo

Main Startup:

Main Startup (Magnified):

More details of this update will be up soon, if requested. Thanks for reading!

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