Tuesday 7 September 2010

Mini Competition coming up!

Hey guys, while you are waiting for the competition for the S2 licence on Live for Speed, we released a mini competition. If you do this, you will win a Steam account with 10 games.
Those games include Left 4 Dead, Left 4 Dead 2, Plants Vs Zombies, Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 and much, much more.

Ok, so here is the competition. You have to find some favicons and they have to have a letter in from A-Z.
Once you have found every one from A-Z, then you will be entered into a draw!

If you are not sure what a favicon is, then
click here.

Here are some examples of favicons:

So now you have the idea, get searching!

Hint: You can use the ones above, as long as they only have 1 letter. Like Facebook, Microsoft, Wikipedia, Bing and more...

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