Tuesday 21 September 2010

New Forum

Hey guys, just saying if you want something to chat about but don't like the comment system for the blog, then I have released a community forum where you can chat about games and fun, or even sell/buy REAL LIFE cars from others.  Hopefully getting a .com domain soon!!

Thanks for reading, more posts out soon!

Visit Blog Here.

Sunday 19 September 2010

Off Vacation

I'm back from vacation, and I will be posting stuff as soon as I find out about it. Happy Days, See you soon.

Thursday 16 September 2010

On vacation

Hey I would just like to say I am currently on vacation. Can't say too much because it takes too long because I am using my iPhone.

Friday 10 September 2010

Live Broadcasting commencing in 3... 2... 1...

Hey guys, today I would just like to say that I will be doing broadcasts on 9/10 of my games. My computer makes them run VERY smooth. So yeah, drop by if you want. You can come for all sorts of reasons like.. Boredom, Want a game but need to see what it is like?

If you want to watch me, click here

Alternately, watch it here:



Wednesday 8 September 2010

Are you bored?

Hey guys, today there is NOTHING to do which is sad, I've never EVER had a boring day... until now.
So if your bored, you can chat to me on:

Msn: nathantg@hotmail.co.uk
Yahoo: fidledabest@yahoo.com
Skype: fidle89
Xfire: pedobear123
Steam: thepedobear70

Or if you like, you can play with me:
Playstation3: Optiik-_-Gamma
Xbox 360: ThatFatDude (Live has run out, I will be renewing it ;)

If you can't afford a ps3 or Xbox, then play with me on many games such as:

Left 4 Dead - Steam: thepedobear70
Left 4 Dead 2 - Steam: thepedobear70
UK Dirt - VirusSmasher
Crossfire - Pr[O]Nath*
Combat Arms / EU - BuckFutter
Alliance of Valiant Arms - BuckFutter
Wolf Team - GhostlyNoob
War Rock - 12probear3

I hardly play any of these games.
I mostly play on these:

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Multiplayer
My Favourite Server:
Name: Drift Andreas
Server IP:
Players: */500
Ping: 23 (for UK users)
Mode: DriftAndreas
Map: San Andreas

Live For Speed

You can usually find me on any Crash, Drag, Drift or Cruise server.
I go by these names:

Note: The WHITE fonts in the names above are really Black, but you cant see them. Also, don't bother buying s2 just to find me... you will find me in the demo version up to december/christmas time because that's when I will be able to buy it.

Thanks for reading, hope you find me!


Tuesday 7 September 2010

Mini Competition coming up!

Hey guys, while you are waiting for the competition for the S2 licence on Live for Speed, we released a mini competition. If you do this, you will win a Steam account with 10 games.
Those games include Left 4 Dead, Left 4 Dead 2, Plants Vs Zombies, Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 and much, much more.

Ok, so here is the competition. You have to find some favicons and they have to have a letter in from A-Z.
Once you have found every one from A-Z, then you will be entered into a draw!

If you are not sure what a favicon is, then
click here.

Here are some examples of favicons:

So now you have the idea, get searching!

Hint: You can use the ones above, as long as they only have 1 letter. Like Facebook, Microsoft, Wikipedia, Bing and more...

Monday 6 September 2010

Sneak Peek | New Promotional Video..

Hey guys, we're making a new promotional video with loads of games in, specially for Ntg Gaming!
This is a sneak peek which should be good already! If you have any questions then comment below. If you need to contact me, then click here.

Thanks for viewing - ^^Coming Soon!^^